PRODUCTION 1 (Factual TV documentary snippet)

Pitch for Factual TV and Film production project

Group: Myself, Tegan and Eva

Some ideas:
-Cooking, one of us does a cooking tutorial similar to Jamie Oliver style cooking programme, however as our group lives quite far away from each other most likely one of us would have to film and present/cook by themselves 
-Haunted house visit- We explore a haunted area and record reactions and experiences, similar to a reality style TV show 
-Documentary show set in Cambridge about the history or monuments around Cambridge. Talk  about the facts and figures, also easy access as we wouldn't have to travel far.

We've decided to go with the travel documentary show in Cambridge. Examples of documentaries similar to this include:

Faces Places
Director Agnès Varda teamed up with street artist and photographer JR for this 2017 arty trip through their home country, France.

Salt of the Earth
Brazilian photojournalist Sebastião Salgado spent 40 years documenting groups of people in lesser-known corners of South America, Africa and central Europe, and the results are compelling.
National Parks Adventure
 The National Parks Adventure an ambitious documentary from filmmaker Greg MacGillivray and narrated by the one-and-only Robert Redford, explores the history and modern landscape of America’s precious natural assets.

Props/items to bring:
-Lapel microphone
-Umbrella incase of rain/ bad weather conditions

Final product

Here is the final product of making a short segment from a factual Tv show.
Overall I'm quite happy with the outcome, there were a few struggles along the way one being filming due to Covid 19 restrictions and we ended up not having enough footage but due to a lockdown we were unable to meetup and get some more shots.

Over the course of editing this piece some of the tools I used include:
-The razor tool, to cut down clips to allow them to fit into the timeline which helps the overall video to flow better and to my choosing
-Unlink tool- I used this to detach the audio from a clip (for example a clip of the presenter explaining some information)and place the audio over a different clip, perhaps a wide shot of a section of landscape that is in relation to the information to create a voiceover, this allowed me to create a transition between scenes better and keep the visuals interesting to the viewer and not all the same e.g not just the presenter talking into the camera for the whole time.
- Graphics-For example a name tag, I used a name tag graphic to display at the very beginning of my product to help introduce the presenter to the viewer. To allow this to transition better across the clip I also added a transition effect onto the graphic so it didn't just awkwardly appear and then disappear which allowed a smoother placement of the graphic and does not interrupt the clip of the present itself.

Audio Is very important in regards to Tv and Film, whether this be background music a voiceover, or directly talking to the camera the quality of the audio reflects the quality of the overall product.
Some audio techniques i used include:
-Background music- By placing background music behind my footage I removed any previous awkward silences, this works particularly well when showing wide shots over scenery. I did this by downloading royalty free orchestrated music from and placed it onto the timeline of my edited video footage on adobe premier, I then cut and edited the background music on premier so that in certain areas it would be quieter or louder, for example over my voiceover section of my video I had to lower the background music so that it wouldn't overwhelm or interrupt the actual voiceover
Voiceover-y mentioned under the editing section of the page I also created a voiceover i used different methods to create a voiceover, the first being using the audio from a previous clip and placing it over another clip, but the other being separately recording the studio independently and then adding that into my timeline.


  1. Well done Amber. You have worked well together and managed to follow a number of the conventions of the historical factual TV program. You have framed some nice shots and used costume, scripting and music well. there are some shots that are held to long and without voice over - which would not normally happen in this sort of show? I hope you feel confident to take on your own project this term.


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